“MORENOVA” treatment of urogynecological disorders

MoreNova Therapy: Your Health Answer in Urogynecology

MoreNova is an innovative therapeutic procedure that uses wide-range low-frequency wave stimulation. This procedure is designed to treat a variety of sexual health problems in both men and women. It can help improve libido, sexual functionality, treat prostatitis in men, Peyronie’s disease (Peyronie’s disease – fibromatosis of the penis) and other sexual health problems. It is important to emphasize that the procedure is safe and non-invasive, requiring no surgical or medicinal interventions. It is a painless procedure that can be useful in improving patients’ sexual health and quality of life. Treatment should always be prescribed and supervised by a medical professional.

In what areas is MoreNova used?

MoreNova is used in many areas, including urology, to treat prostatitis, urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease in men. It is also useful in gynecology, helping women struggling with vaginal laxity, urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction and dyspareunia. This non-invasive procedure is safe and effective, without surgical or medicinal interventions.

Why Consider MoreNova Therapy?

  • Non-Surgical Treatment: MoreNova therapy does not require surgery, so it is non-invasive and does not cause surgical injuries.
  • Safe and Effective: This therapy is known for its high level of safety and proven effectiveness in clinical trials. You can be sure that this therapy is safe and effective.
  • No Side Effects: It’s important for your health – MoreNova therapy has no side effects or unwanted effects, which is very important for your health.
  • Improvement of Blood Circulation: MoreNova therapy improves blood circulation, restores the normal permeability of blood vessels and promotes the formation of new blood vessels. This can have a positive effect on your overall health.
  • Course of 6 Procedures: The therapy consists of 6 procedures, which are performed 2 times a week, ensuring the maximum effect of the treatment. It is a structured treatment method that helps achieve long-term results.
  • Innovative Device: MoreNova works with patented Large-Area Shockwave technology, which is unique in the market. This allows the simultaneous delivery of pulsed acoustic energy to all tissues, helping to control the local growth of new blood vessels and significantly improve blood flow in the organs.

If you are looking for a safe, effective and innovative treatment, MoreNova therapy is worth considering. It helps to solve various sexual health problems for men and women without surgery and side effects. Trust our team of professionals and choose MoreNova therapy to improve your health.

Why Choose MoreNova Therapy at InnMed Clinic?

Our goal is to provide you with effective and convenient treatment solutions so that you can feel better and have confidence in your health. MoreNova therapy is a modern, non-invasive and safe option to address urological and gynecological disorders. We believe that every patient is unique, so our team always considers your individual needs and provides the highest quality healthcare.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate, which can manifest itself with various symptoms depending on the type of inflammation. This disorder includes four main categories:

  1. Acute bacterial prostatitis.
  2. Chronic bacterial prostatitis.
  3. Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome (LDSS).
  4. Asymptomatic inflammation (histological prostatitis).


Symptoms of prostatitis depend on the type of inflammation. Symptoms of acute prostatitis include frequent urination, pelvic pain, fever and chills. Symptoms of chronic prostatitis include frequent urination, pain in the pelvis, testicles, penis, and anus, sexual dysfunction, pain during ejaculation, premature ejaculation, and blood in the semen. Asymptomatic prostatitis usually does not cause any symptoms and is often detected only during medical tests.

The treatment of prostatitis depends on the type of inflammation, so it is important to consult a doctor.

At the InnMed clinic, we provide effective non-surgical treatment of prostatitis using low-frequency shock wave therapy MoreNova. It is a safe and non-invasive procedure that can improve the health of patients. The therapy uses Large-Area Shockwave technology, which stimulates the formation of new blood vessels, increases blood flow and reduces inflammation and pain. The treatment lasts about 3 weeks and includes 6 procedures, which are performed 2 times a week. The treatment efficiency reaches over 89%. and is noticeable already a month after the last procedure.

After treatment, patients usually no longer need to take high doses of medication or do not need to take medication at all to treat prostatitis. This is a modern way to deal with prostatitis problems that can improve your quality of life.

Peyronie’s disease (or Peyronie’s disease), also called penile fibromatosis, is a condition in which the penis twists or bends in different directions. Although some men may have a slight curvature of the penis during erection, a large curvature can cause pain both during erection and at rest.

Symptoms of Peyronie’s disease may include:

  • Penile pain;
  • Thickening of penile tissue that can be felt through the skin;
  • Painful or limp erections;
  • Decreased libido, decreased self-esteem and depression.

Peyronie’s disease is treated for several reasons: to restore the aesthetic image, reduce penile pain or improve sexual relations.

Our InnMed clinic is one of the few in Lithuania that uses MoreNova therapy to treat Peyronie’s disease. MoreNova works with patented Large-Area Shockwave technology, the only product of its kind on the market designed specifically for your health. It is a modern and effective way to fight Peyronie’s disease.

Erectile dysfunction treatment can improve a weakened or lost erection, while eliminating the psychological and physiological discomfort caused by this condition.

In the InnMed clinic, erectile dysfunction is treated using a safe, non-invasive method recognized worldwide – low-frequency shock wave therapy with the MoreNova device. This therapy works at both the cellular and intercellular levels and stimulates the formation of new blood vessels and the expansion of existing ones. It improves the blood supply to the penis, successfully restores and improves blood circulation, promotes the restoration and growth of blood vessels, ensuring a proper erection.

The procedure is completely painless and has no side effects. Its duration is about 30 minutes, and the treatment course includes 6 procedures, which are performed twice a week. More severe cases may require more procedures.

The treatment is more than 89 percent effective, and you feel the effects gradually, usually a month after the last treatment. You can return to your normal activities immediately after the procedure, and sexual intercourse is restricted only on the day of the procedure. This is an effective way to restore your sex life and self-confidence.

MoreNovaFem is an innovative non-invasive procedure that helps improve women’s sexual health. This procedure is intended for women who face various sexual dysfunctions and gynecological problems.

Female Sexual Dysfunction

If you find that your sex life is not what you would like it to be, MoreNovaFem therapy may be your answer. This procedure helps to improve the blood supply to the genitals, promotes natural healing and reduces the symptoms of sexual dysfunction. This is a great opportunity to restore your natural sex life and self-confidence.

Hypoactive Bladder

An underactive bladder can cause unwanted urinary incontinence. MoreNovaFem therapy helps strengthen the bladder muscles, providing relief and improving bladder function.

Hypertrophic Bladder

If you are dealing with an overactive bladder, therapy will help reduce the frequency of urination and balance your bladder function, giving you more comfort.

Dyspareunia (Painful Sexual Intercourse)

Pain or discomfort during intercourse can cause a lot of inconvenience. MoreNovaFem therapy helps reduce this pain and improves overall comfort during intercourse. This is a non-invasive way to achieve greater pleasure in sexual activity.

Vaginal laxity

Vaginal tone may decrease due to childbirth or other factors. MoreNovaFem therapy helps restore the elasticity of the vagina and improve its tone. It can reduce the symptoms of vaginal laxity and increase the comfort of your sex life.

Sexual Health Support

Maintaining women’s sexual health is important, and MoreNovaFem therapy helps you feel better. It is a non-invasive way to improve blood flow, tissue healing and reduce symptoms of sexual dysfunction. Let MoreNovaFem improve your sexual health and libido. Feel better and be confident!

Kitos ginekologijos paslaugos

Vieni iš geriausių Vilniuje – gydytojai ginekologai, visada pasirengę Jums padėti!

Mūsų ginekologai – kiekvienam pacientui skiria visą savo dėmesį ir žinias, rūpinasi ir prižiūri sveikimo procesą

Gydyojai ginekologai – atlieka išsamią sveikatos diagnostiką ir taiko efektyvius gydymo metodus

Mūsų ginekologai – profesionaliai ir saugiai skiria medikamentinį, atlieka procedūrinį bei chirurginį gydymą

Gydytojai ginekologai – stengiasi padėti kiekvienam pacientui ir greičiau išspręsti sveikatos problemą tinkamiausiu būdu